Religious scapulars and medals are cherished objects of devotion and faith within many religious traditions.
The Green Scapular devotion is centered around the Blessed Virgin Mary and her intercession. It is often given to someone, placed in their vicinity, or hidden discreetly in a location, with the intention of bringing about spiritual benefits.
The Brown Scapular is associated with the devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, who is considered the patroness of the Carmelite Order. It symbolizes a person's affiliation with the Carmelite family and their commitment to the spiritual teachings and practices associated with the order.
St. Benedict medals are highly regarded for their protective qualities against evil and spiritual dangers. They are considered a means of seeking the intercession and protection of St. Benedict, particularly against the devil and temptations. The medals are believed to bring blessings, ward off evil spirits, and serve as a reminder of one's commitment to living a holy life.